Internal procedures

I can provide advice on exhausting internal procedures to resolve disputes in the workplace.

Settlement Agreements (Compromise Agreements)

Settlement Agreements (Compromise Agreements) I have wide experience in advising employees on the terms and effect of Settlement Agreements (Compromise Agreements). In employment law an agreement (formerly known as a Compromise Agreement) whereby an employee or worker agrees not to pursue certain employment tribunal claims against a respondent or potential respondent to a claim.  Commonly […]

Employee competition and confidentiality

Employee competition and confidentiality Breach of Contract Solicitors High Wycombe I can provide advice on the extent to which employers can protect themselves against the harmful competitive activities of employees and ex-employees and prevent the disclosure of trade secrets and confidential information by such employees. This is a complex area of the law in which public […]

Pre-termination negotiations and settlement agreements

Under the Enterprise and Regulatory Reforms Act 2013 (ERRA 2013) compromise agreements will be renamed ‘settlement agreements’ and employers will be given more freedom to have discussions with employees about a proposed settlement outside the context of an existing dispute.

Tribunal Fees

From July 2013 there will be two main charging points for Tribunal fees